# Home
## **Hi, I'm Adriano Fontanari**
>Curious analytical thinker with an international spirit and a passion for complexity. That's not all...
>Marathon runner and Founder of a Newsletter on digital product innovation. Last but not least, strong experience as a Product Manager in startups and corporates, securing > €[x]M in product funding and shipping 10 impactful capabilities.
>**► MY FOCUS**
> Helping product companies build successful digital products with tangible impact on the users.
>**► MY WHY**
>A lifelong commitment to addressing complex challenges across diverse industries, such as Healthcare and FinTech, to drive positive transformation.
## Latest Articles
### [[Product Analytics that Stick - What I Learned from Measuring my Well-Being for 593 days|Product Analytics that Stick - What I Learned from Measuring my Well-Being for 593 days]]
_Date: 02-09-2024 , Tags:_ #LLM #digital-twins #product-analytics #digital-health #quantified-self #quantified-health #AI
_Author_ Adriano Fontanari_
_Two years ago, I became interested in measuring aspects related to my well-being. I have filled out the survey consistently since 1/17/2023 - 593 days so far. The considerations I found apply not only to those who measure their well-being but also to everyone working on product analytics._
[[Product Analytics that Stick - What I Learned from Measuring my Well-Being for 593 days|Continue Reading →]]
### [[Mastering LLM Deployment in Healthcare Strategic Insights From the Industry|Mastering LLM Deployment in Healthcare: Strategic Insights From the Industry]]
_Date: 26-03-2024 , Tags:_ #data-science #LLM #GenerativeAI #AI #ML #healthcare #digital-health #corporate
_Interview with Neel Das, LLM Tech Lead @Roche. _
Deploying LLM models in healthcare requires regulatory compliance, strategic planning, and productive partnerships. How is this achieved in practical terms? [[Mastering LLM Deployment in Healthcare Strategic Insights From the Industry|Continue Reading →]]
### [[Beyond Silos Integrating Biostatistics, Data Science, and Engineering to generate rigorous evidence|Beyond Silos: Integrating Biostatistics, Data Science, and Engineering to generate rigorous evidence]]
_Date: 14-03-2024 , Tags:_ #data-science #biostatistics #AI #n-of-1-trials #ML #healthcare #digital-health #causal-inference
_Interview with Eric J. Daza, DrPH, MPS - Founder @Stats-of-1_
The promise of personalized medicine lies in the ability to generate robust evidence. How is evidence generated and what are the best practices of collaboration between biostatisticians, data scientists, and the engineering team? [[Beyond Silos Integrating Biostatistics, Data Science, and Engineering to generate rigorous evidence|Continue Reading →]]
### [[Uncovering the Data Dilemma - Building a Strong Data Culture in Healthcare|Uncovering the Data Dilemma: Building a Strong Data Culture in Healthcare]]
_Date: 28-02-2024 , Tags:_ #data-science #RWD #AI #culture #ML #healthcare #digital-health #consumer-tech
_Interview with Christine Doig-Cardet - Chief Product Officer @ IOMED_
Healthcare has been notably slower in embracing digital innovations. What are the main obstacles and which lessons can we learn from faster-paced industries? [[Uncovering the Data Dilemma - Building a Strong Data Culture in Healthcare|Continue Reading →]]
## Featured Contents
### [[A decade into digital health, 7 key learnings for innovators]]
_Date: 15 Nov 2023, Tags:_ #digital-health, #entrepreneurship, #product-management, #entrepreneurship
_15 November marks the 10th anniversary of the beginning of my journey into digital health innovation. Every time was a humbling experience packed with valuable learnings. I outline the most significant ones in this blog post._
[[A decade into digital health, 7 key learnings for innovators|Continue Reading →]]
### [[The Determinants of Startup Success in the Health Tech Industry (Evidence from 921 Companies)]]
_Date: 23 Oct 2023, Tags:_ #digital-health #VC #funding #research
This post features **novel research** I conducted by building a database containing **921 health tech** companies founded between 2008-2010 and performing a **10-year cohort analysis**. This research aims to understand the determinants of startup success (IPO / M&A) in the health tech sector.
[[The Determinants of Startup Success in the Health Tech Industry (Evidence from 921 Companies)|Continue Reading →]]
## Featured Projects
### YourOS - Personal Knowledge and Life Management System
YourOS is a comprehensive personal knowledge and life management system designed to help individuals organize and optimize their daily lives. The system is built on Google Looker and Obsidian.md. YourOS is available at https://www.youros.me
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_Copyright © 2024 - Adriano Fontanari_